WEBVTT 00:45.000 --> 03:50.000 Growing up in Cardiff. 03:50.000 --> 09:00.000 Awareness of being gay. 09:00.000 --> 26:40.000 University days. The era of AIDS. 26:40.000 --> 37:00.000 Coastal Connections. 37:00.000 --> 49:30.000 Pipers. 49:30.000 --> 57:40.000 Gay and Lesbian Information Service. 57:40.000 --> 61:50.000 Newcastle gay social scene in the 1990s. 61:50.000 --> 80:00.000 Setting up Rainbow Visions. 80:00.000 --> 87:00.000 Rainbow Fruits, the Gayland Brothers and Rainbow Visions 87:00.000 --> 96:00.000 The Muscle Room and Steamworks. 96:00.000 --> 103:20.000 PhD. Homophobia at gay and lesbian events. 103:20.000 --> 108:57.000 Coming out story.