WEBVTT 00:02.000 --> 01:11.000 Ploughing Championships at Tocal 00:45.000 --> 00:50.500 Winner Geoff Anderson 01:24.000 --> 01:44.000 American Farmers Subsidy. Unknown Man Speaking. Incomplete Story 01:57.000 --> 04:09.000 Land Degradation and Merriwa Landcare 02:12.000 --> 02:38.500 State Minister for Agriculture Ian Armstrong 03:10.000 --> 03:21.500 Unknown Man 03:35.000 --> 03:52.500 Reporter Peter Ryan 03:52.900 --> 04:08.000 State Minister for Agriculture Ian Armstrong 04:22.000 --> 06:49.000 National Wool Industry and Actions of the Australian Wool Corporation 04:22.000 --> 06:49.000 Newcastle Wool Sales 04:45.000 --> 05:20.500 Unknown Man 05:35.000 --> 06:02.500 Unknown Man 06:07.900 --> 06:16.700 Unknown Man 06:17.000 --> 06:48.000 Unknown Man 07:03.000 --> 10:09.000 Sheep Yard Designs 10:41.000 --> 12:10.000 Ultrasounds for Fat Content in Live Cattle 11:32.000 --> 11:56.700 Unknown Man 12:11.000 --> 12:21.000 Twilight Zone Theme Music 12:22.000 --> 16:56.000 AusMeat, Australian Meat Preferences, Cattle Grading and Industry 12:51.000 --> 13:26.000 State Minister for Agriculture Ian Armstrong 13:40.000 --> 13:51.700 State Minister for Agriculture Ian Armstrong 14:25.000 --> 15:04.700 State Minister for Agriculture Ian Armstrong 15:05.000 --> 16:55.600 AusMeat and Department of Agriculture National Livestock Feedback Trials at Tocal 17:03.000 --> 17:13.000 Twilight Zone Theme Music 17:15.000 --> 18:45.000 Lochinvar Horse Auction 18:56.000 --> 23:35.000 Horses from Ireland, Last Tycoon and Ahonoora 20:37.000 --> 21:08.500 Unknown Men 21:36.000 --> 21:55.500 Unknown Man