WEBVTT 00:08.000 --> 00:27.000 Program Titles 00:27.000 --> 00:55.000 John Hill of University of Newcastle Introducing Program 00:55.000 --> 01:25.500 John Hill Introducing Doug Lithgow, Brian Suters and Geoff Stevenson 01:25.500 --> 01:51.000 Doug Lithgow, President of Hunter-Manning National Park Association 01:51.000 --> 02:12.500 Geoff Stevenson, Chairman National Trust Historic Buildings Committee 02:12.500 --> 02:37.000 Brian Suters, Newcastle Architect 02:37.500 --> 02:44.500 John Hill Introducing Next Segment of Show 02:44.500 --> 05:44.000 Doug Lithgow Describing Nobbys and Captain Cooks Notes on it Over Footage of Nobbys 05:44.000 --> 06:19.000 Boatman's Row, Discussion of History and Architecture 06:19.000 --> 08:12.000 Fort Scratchley. Discussion of History, Architecture, Decay of the Site and Future Uses 08:12.000 --> 11:30.000 Bond Store on Telford Street. Discussion on History, Architecture and Neglect. 11:30.000 --> 14:27.000 Customs House. Discussion on Style, Architecture and Histroy. Spire Specifically Discussed. 14:27.000 --> 17:32.500 Newcastle Railway Station, Comparison to Other Terminals, Discussion on Layout and Architecture 17:32.700 --> 20:51.000 Longworth Institute, Discussion on History and Architectural Influences 20:51.000 --> 21:31.000 Government Buildings Precinct 21:31.000 --> 22:36.000 Post Office by Architect Walter Liberty Vernon. Discussion on Style and Architecture 22:36.000 --> 23:17.000 Police Station by Architect Mortimer Lewis, Discussion on Style, Architecture and Expansion 23:10.000 --> 24:49.000 Public Works Department by Architect James Barnett, Discussion on Style, Architecture, Joining 24:49.000 --> 26:57.000 Issues Facing Preservation and Attempting to Protect Buildings 27:00.000 --> 30:42.000 Wood Street Tech Building, Discussion on History, Architecture, Preservation and Stopping Demolition 30:42.000 --> 31:09.000 Footage of Buildings and Art of Newcastle Landmarks While Credits Run