WEBVTT 00:00.010 --> 01:30.300 Rescue Workers Resting 01:30.300 --> 01:37.500 Men Watching Crane 01:37.500 --> 02:26.500 Static 02:26.500 --> 02:57.500 Footage of Bishop and Priests Arriving 02:57.500 --> 03:43.600 Interview with Bishop Holland. (Incomprehensible) 03:44.000 --> 05:05.500 Interview with Bishop Holland About State of the Churches After the Earthquake 05:05.000 --> 05:14.000 Crane at Demolished Building 05:14.000 --> 06:10.500 Interview with Police Chief Inspector 06:10.500 --> 10:18.000 Unidentified Reporter Making Attempts at Recording a Segment