WEBVTT 00:01.000 --> 09:45.000 Early life in Mayfield West, family. Post-war Newcastle. 09:45.000 --> 28:45.000 Career plans with BHP and second thoughts about being a metallurgist. University of Newcastle student activism in the late 60s – early 70s. 28:45.000 --> 41:00.000 Attended a Newcastle Gay Liberation meeting. Newcastle gay politics and the local camp/gay scene. The Star Hotel. 41:00.000 --> 58:20.000 The Newcastle Faark Family and Paul Cole and the move to the University of NSW. 58:20.000 --> 78:30.000 Working as a telephonist and becoming active in his trade union and the impacts of technological change. His workplace had a large percentage of gay men. 78:30.000 --> 93:30.000 The impact of the Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) on his union members. The Trade Union Working Party on AIDS. Cross over of industrial and social issues. 93:30.000 --> 119:00.000 Conflict between health bureaucrats and community activists and then changes to the bureaucracy. The leadership of the Federal Health Minister. The formation of new community and bureaucratic bodies. 110:00.000 --> 131:00.000 A HIV education and prevention strategy for drug users. Implemented through the AIDS Bureau as were other AIDS related health and safety programmes. Success of strategy. 131:00.000 --> 135:20.000 Burn out and going to SE Asia. The Asian Harm Reduction Network (AHRN). 135:20.000 --> 137:50.000 Consultant for the WHO. A regional HIV drug strategy for the Western Pacific Region. 137:50.000 --> 143:40.000 Regional Advisor for the UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime). The Indonesian programme. 143:40.000 --> 145:40.000 Now lives in Bangkok.