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8154, Broken Hill passenger, Springwood, NSW, [1996]
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8181, 81 Class, 48 Class and 8642, flour train,  Hazelbrook, NSW, 30 September 1996
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8120 and 8106, coal train, Maldon, NSW, 9 January 1996
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8155, container train, [Towealgra], NSW, 6 June 1995
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8142 and 8123, container train, [Towealgra], NSW, 6 June 1995
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8103, freight train, Dunedoo, NSW, 6 June 1995
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8032 and 8115, Parkes, NSW, 29 May 1995
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8115 and 8032, Parkes, NSW, 29 May 1995
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8160, flour train, Amaroo, NSW, [1994]
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8169, 4458 and two 86 Class, coal train, Hazelbrook, NSW, 27 April 1994
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4470 and 8174, wheat train, Cullerin, NSW, 5 May 1994
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8174, 42207 and 4471, coal train, Picton, NSW, 5 February 1994
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8172 and 8171, super freight, Towrang, NSW, [1993]
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G519 and 81 Class, express freight, Picton, NSW, 18 December 1993
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8109 and two 81 Class, coal train, Thornton, NSW, 15 October 1992
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8154 and 81 Class, coal train, Picton, NSW, 29 February 1992
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8159, 8161, 4606 and 4621, container train, Springwood, NSW, 24 February 1992
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8141 and 4458, trip train, Chullora Junction, NSW, 7 September 1991
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8172 and C505, express freight, Meeks Road, NSW, 5 September 1991
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8155 and two 80 Class, express freight, Springwood, NSW, 12 July 1991
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8161, No. WL27 Express, Springwood, NSW, 11 May 1991
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8173 and G Class, express freight, Bargo, NSW, 31 January 1991
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8141, "Intercapital Daylight Express", Picton, NSW, 31 January 1991
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8162 and G525, "Melbourne Express", Picton, NSW, 31 January 1991
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