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- Audio3
- Finding Aid2
- Photograph362
- Collection...
- The Barry Howard Collection 173
- Brian Robert Andrews Collection 39
- J and A Brown/Coal and Allied Archive 27
- Coalfields Local History Association 8
- The Barry Howard Collection 4
- Bert Lovett Collection 1
- University of Newcastle Poster Collection 1
- Home Grown in the Hunter 1
- Virtual Coquun - Hunter River Project 1
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- Publication28
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- Brayshaw, Helen C. 9
- Sokoloff, Boris 3
- Brayshaw, Helen 1
- Breton, William Henry, d. 1887 1
- Cunningham, Peter Miller, 1789-1864 1
- Dangar, H. (Henry), 1796-1861 1
- Davidson, Gordon Forbes 1
- Earp, G. B. (George Butler) 1
- Farrelly, Alan 1
- Henderson, John, fl. 1850-1854 1
- Hughes, Dominic 1
- Moore, David R. 1
- Robinson, Roland 1
- Vagabond, 1843-1896 1
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- 1828 1
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- Hunter Natural History 3
- The Newcastle Herald 2
- Excursions in New South Wales, Western Australia and Van Diemen's Land, during the years 1830, 1831, 1832, and 1833 1
- Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate 1
- Records of the Australian Museum 1
- Some aspects of the material culture of the Aborigines of the Hunter Valley at the time of first white settlement in the area 1
- Trade and travel in the Far East, or, Recollections of twenty-one years passed in Java, Singapore, Australia, and China 1
- Two years in New South Wales 1
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