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4639, 46 Class, 46 Class and 80 Class, freight train, Springwood, NSW, 19 September 1994
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8036, 8039 and 4894, express freight, Goobang Junction, NSW, 29 May 1995
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4837 and 4896, ballast train, Bombo, NSW, January 1994
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8033 and 4490, ore train, [Dubbo area, NSW], 20 April 1994
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4454 and 442 Class, wheat train, [Dubbo, area, NSW], 20 April 1994
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4813 and two 48 Class, ballast train, Bombo, NSW, January 1994
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4470 and 8174, wheat train, Cullerin, NSW, 5 May 1994
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4456 and 48 Class, wheat train, Penrose, NSW, [1993]
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4493, Werris Creek, NSW, 22 November 1993
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4427, "Canberra Express", Central Station, Sydney, 22 May 1993
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4879, 4880, 4873 and 48 Class, coal train, Maitland, NSW, 23 April 1993
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4458 and 4538, container train, Springwood, NSW, [1992]
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8109 and two 81 Class, coal train, Thornton, NSW, 15 October 1992
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4897, 4891 and 4839, freight train, Picton, NSW, 29 February 1992
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4490, 4454, 4470 and 44 Class, express freight, Kingswood, NSW, 6 February 1992
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4438, 8024, 80 Class with 4466 and 4464 on rear, ballast train, Valley Heights, NSW, 24 October 1991
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8141 and 4458, trip train, Chullora Junction, NSW, 7 September 1991
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4456 and 4524, coal train, Faulconbridge, NSW, 22 August 1991
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4456 and 4461, clinker train, Picton, NSW, 31 January 1991
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44210 and 44213, freight train, Thornton, NSW, 27 September 1990
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4471, 48151 and 48136, freight train, Sodwalls, NSW, 12 September 1990
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4485, 44233, 48108 and 48158, freight train, Brewongle, NSW, 12 May 1990
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4448 and 42215, Interurban train, Lawson, NSW, January 1990
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4890 and 4855, freight train, NSW, January 1990
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