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- Photograph69
- Plan48
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- South Maitland Railways 16
- Floods -- New South Wales -- Hunter River -- Maps 13
- Hunter River (N.S.W.) -- Floods -- Maps 13
- Aboriginal Reconciliation 10
- First Nations Peoples 10
- John Hunter Hospital - Aboriginal Accommodation 10
- Reconciliation Memorials 10
- Coal mines and mining – New South Wales -- Kurri Kurri 8
- Richmond Main Colliery (Kurri Kurri, N.S.W.) 8
- Floods -- New South Wales -- Hunter River -- Cross sections 5
- Hunter River (N.S.W.) -- Floods -- Cross sections 4
- Hunter River (N.S.W.) -- Floods -- Cross section 1
- Kearsley (N.S.W.) 1
- Land subdivision -- New South Wales 1
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- Paul F Walsh OAM 10
- Susan Harvey 10
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