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- Singleton (N.S.W.) 3
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- Australian Wool Corporation 2
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- Hare Krishna 2
- Hunter Water Board 2
- James Blundell 2
- Kuro Kin Wagyu (N.S.W.) 2
- Neil Griffiths 2
- Newcastle (N.S.W.) 2
- Newcastle Show (N.S.W.) 2
- Oysters 2
- Rodeo 2
- Tamworth (N.S.W.) 2
- Tocal Agricultural College 2
- Trade War 2
- Wootton Poll Hereford Stud (N.S.W.) 2
- AgQuip 1
- Australian Institute of Dairy Factory Managers and Secretaries 1
- Belltrees House 1
- Camels 1
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- Sandgate (N.S.W.) 1
- Scone (N.S.W.) 1
- Sheep Dogs 1
- Slim Dusty 1
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- Tillegra Dam 1
- United Nations 1
- Wyndham Estate (N.S.W.) 1
- Wyong (N.S.W.) 1
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