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- Agriculture 22
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- Wool 22
- Cattle 14
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- Wheat 10
- John Kerin 9
- Department of Agriculture 8
- N.S.W. Farmers Association 8
- Australian Wool Corporation 7
- Dairy 6
- Neil Griffiths 6
- Newcastle (N.S.W.) 6
- Peter Bishop 6
- Rabbits 6
- Weeds 6
- Horses 5
- Kuro Kin Wagyu (N.S.W.) 5
- Sheep 5
- Simon Crean 5
- Singleton (N.S.W.) 5
- Tamworth (N.S.W.) 5
- Wootton Poll Hereford Stud (N.S.W.) 5
- Central Coast (N.S.W.) 4
- Disease 4
- Drought 4
- Dungog (N.S.W.) 4
- Gloucester (N.S.W.) 4
- Ian Armstrong 4
- Maitland (N.S.W.) 4
- Oysters 4
- Sheep Dogs 4
- Tocal Field Day 4
- AgQuip 3
- Chris Bath 3
- Dairy Farming 3
- Fishing 3
- Floods 3
- George Bush 3
- Gulf War 3
- Landcare 3
- Merriwa (N.S.W.) 3
- Newcastle Show (N.S.W.) 3
- Poll Hereford 3
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- Scone (N.S.W.) 3
- Tillegra Dam 3
- Trade War 3
- Wal Murray 3
- WorkCover 3
- Ferrets 2
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- Goats 2
- Hunter Water Board 2
- James Blundell 2
- Jodi McKay 2
- John Farnham 2
- John Williamson 2
- Maitland Show (N.S.W.) 2
- Mining 2
- Sugar Cane 2
- Tocal (N.S.W.) 2
- Tocal Agricultural College 2
- University of New England (N.S.W.) 2
- Alpacas 1
- Australian Bureau of Statistics 1
- Barrington Tops (N.S.W.) 1
- Belltrees House 1
- Bob Hawke 1
- Brewarrina (N.S.W.) 1
- Broadwater (N.S.W.) 1
- Byron Bay (N.S.W.) 1
- Calgary Stampede 1
- Camels 1
- Cancer 1
- Casino (N.S.W.) 1
- Cassilis (N.S.W.) 1
- Cattle Council 1
- Chafey Dam 1
- Chicken 1
- Delta Downs Station (QLD) 1
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- Department of Water Resources 1
- Donkeys 1
- Ed Wright 1
- Edgeroi (N.S.W.) 1
- Festival of the Fleeces (N.S.W.) 1
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- Fruit Fly 1
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- Gosford (N.S.W.) 1
- Greenpeace 1
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- Gunnedah (N.S.W.) 1
- Hare Krishna 1
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- Iraq 1
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- Mark Dorrity 1
- Mikhail Gorbachev 1
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- N.S.W. Department of Agriculture 1
- N.S.W. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 1
- Narromine (N.S.W.) 1
- Newcastle Anglers Association 1
- Newcastle Earthquake 1
- Newcastle Workers Club 1
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- Oil 1
- Patrick White 1
- Peter Harvey 1
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- Public Health 1
- Ross Hampton 1
- Royal Easter Show (N.S.W.) 1
- Salamanda Bay (N.S.W.) 1
- Scone Horse Week (N.S.W.) 1
- Seal Rocks (N.S.W.) 1
- Singleton Show (N.S.W.) 1
- Slim Dusty 1
- Stoke Village (England) 1
- Stroud (N.S.W.) 1
- Sydney (N.S.W.) 1
- Tamworth Country Music Festival (N.S.W.) 1
- Tax 1
- The Lambton Fridge 1
- The National Party of Australia 1
- Tiananmen Square 1
- Tim Moore 1
- University of Glasgow (Scotland) 1
- University of Newcastle (N.S.W.) 1
- University of Sydney (N.S.W.) 1
- Warrnambool (VIC) 1
- Water Weeds 1
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- Wyndham Estate (N.S.W.) 1
- Wyong (N.S.W.) 1
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