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S. Harrison with a batch of stones for Greta Camp during World War II
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Allied gun crew during World War II
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Australian Infantry and tanks on Labuan Island (Borneo), June 1945
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British Fleet in Japanese waters - Corsair Fighter leaving flight desk of HMS Illustrious, [1945]
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Crew of a Matilda tank called to fight Japanese at Labuan Island (Borneo) during World War II
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Australian soldiers march during World War II
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Australian soldiers doing shooting practice during World War II
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The Royal Australian Regiment leaves a ship during World War II
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Australian patrols in Aitape, New Guinea, February 1945
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Australian soldiers crossing fallen logs over a creek, Aitape, New Guinea, April 1945
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Australian jeeps on Bougainville, June 1945
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Australians on Labuan Island, Borneo, 20 June 1945
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John R. Scarlett, war correspondent,  27 March 1945
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Labuan Island, Borneo - Australian soldiers sleep after shifting load ammunition, June 1945
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Pilots of the Royal New Zealand Air Force visit 3rd Australian Division during World War II
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Private Jack Johnson and Arthur Burns at Aitape, New Guinea, March 1945
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Australian forces fighting Communists in Korea, January 1952
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Corporal G.E Burns (AIF) with M.A Evanich and W.H Sheehan during World War II
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Easter Sunday Church Service on aircraft carrier lift during World War II
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Signallers of a commando squadron probing Japanese outposts at Aitape, New Guinea, January 1945
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Military band playing outside AIF Recruitment Hut during World War II
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Military parade outside Newcastle Post Office building - 1940s
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