Pupils: School for Deaf Girls, Waratah [1932]
Rugby Team: Morpeth Grammar School for Boys, 1946
Group photograph: [Morpeth Home for Boys, 1946]
Staff and Girls: St Elizabeth's Home, 1942
Mayfield East Public School Class 1c (1926)
Newcastle Central Technical School 1'D' Class: 1932
Photograph taken from 'University News' of Paterson Public School's recreation of bush schools of the 1880's, the University of Newcastle, Australia - 7 August, 1980
Newcastle Teachers' College students visit a local primary school, Newcastle, Australia - 1957
Maypole dancing, Charlestown Public School, Charlestown, NSW, 9 November 1897
Unveiling Federation flag, New Lambton Public School, New Lambton, NSW, 14 May 1901
Teachers at Minmi Public School, Minmi, NSW, 9 July 1895
Cadets at Hamilton Public School, Hamilton, NSW, 24 March 1892
First demonstration lesson at the Junction Demonstration School, 1949
Class 5C of 1947 of Newcastle Boys High School, Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Kindergarten. Teralba Primary School., 1953