Officers of the Highton Division No. 7, O.S.T., 1934
Walter Lawson Appleby, Order of the Sons of Temperance, Brunswick Division, 1935
Certificate, N McDonald of the Sons & Daughters of Temperance, Highton, Vic, 1929
Roll of Honour, O.S.T. Highton Division members enlisted for active service
Certificate, Elsie Duncan, Sons and Daughters of Temperance, Concord division, 1909
Photo, Members [Juv] O of the Sons of Temp'ce, Royal Star Section, 1916
Photo, Members (Juv?) O of the Sons (?) of Temp'ce, Star of Glenferrie, Vic 1916
Order of the the Sons of Temperance, Gardenvale Section, 1916
Photo, Members (Juv) O of the Sons (?) of Temp'ce, Vic, Phoenix Section, 1916
Order of the the Sons of Temperance, Windsor Section, 1916
Order of the the Sons of Temperance, Rising Star Section, 1916
Photo, Members [Juv] O of Sons (?) of Temperance, Thornbury, Vic. 1916
Photo, Members (Juv?) Order of Sons (?) of Temperance, No 4, Bentleigh, 1916
Order of the the Sons of Temperance, Coronation, 1916
Photo, Members, (Juv?) O of Sons (?) of Temperance, Williamstown [1916]
Charter, Sons of Temperance National Division of Victoria and South Australia
Certificate, Sons and Daughters of Temperance, National Division of Victoria and South Australia
Photo, champion tug of war team, OST, Vic [1916]
Order of the Sons of Temperance, Fairfield Cricket Club Premiers, 1938-39
Photo, Members [Juv] Order of the Sons (?) of Temperance, [1916]
Photo, Order of the Sons of Temperance, Essendon Section, Victoria
Sons of Temperance, W W Bradley, J J Martin, W H Page, 1850-1895
Order of the Sons of Temperance, Brother J C Nankervis, 1896
Lodge cloth, O of the Sons of Temp'ce, National Division of Victoria.
Red lodge cloth, Order of the Sons of Temperance
Order of the Sons of Temperance, General Secretarys collar with pin
Collar, General Secretary, O of Sons of Temperance.
Order of the Sons of Temperance collar, M.W.C.
Order of the Sons of Temperance collar, M.W.S.
Order of the Sons of Temperance collar, M.W.A.
Order of the Sons of Temperance collar, M.W.P.
Order of Sons of Temperance collar P.M., W.P.
Order of Sons of Temperance collar, E.C., made by P Blashki and Sons
Order of Sons of Temperance collar, E.C.
Order of Sons of Temperance collar, E.C., with rosette
Collar, PGWP, Order of Sons of Temperance.
Masonic collar, black with yellow trim and purple backing
Metal signage panel for The Order Of The Sons of Temperance National Division Friendly Society