DescriptionFrom Ann Hardy's private collection. Thank you to Ann Hardy who kindly arranged for this personal copy to be digitised and provided for us to publish to the wider research community.
This image can be used for study and personal research purposes. If you wish to reproduce this image for any other purpose you must obtain permission by contacting the University of Newcastle's Special Collections.
If you have any information about this photograph, please contact us or leave a comment in the box below.InformationFlickr CommentMargaretBee:
National Archives also have this photo online
Title : Nobbys Head, Newcastle Harbour [box 603]
Date : 1887
Primary subject : Not Assigned
Secondary subject : Not Assigned
Image no. : C4076, HN176
Barcode : 3025129
Location : Sydney
Find other items in this series : C4076
Series accession number : C4076/1
SubjectNSWNobbysNobbys HeadlandNobbys breakwallNewcastle breakwallNewcastle Harbourrailrailwaylighthousenavigation1887AustraliaNewcastleWhybaygambaWhibayganbaDatenot specifiedSource