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    By: Dr David Cameron14th Sep 2021 3:08PMThis photo is a view looking north over the remnants of a log loading ramp towards the ruins of the Allen Taylor & Company Limited's sleeper wharf at Mayers Point, Myall Lake near Bungwahl. The Australian Timber Export Company (ATEC) Limited was formed in 1905 and built a wharf and an 8 mile (12.8 km) long tramway from the eastern shore of Mayers Point (on the western side of Myall Lake) up to Wootton. In 1909 the ATEC sold the tramway and wharf to Allen Taylor & Company Limited (ATCL). In 1920 the ATCL built the Beresford sawmill and wharf at the Mayers Point tramway terminus. Here there were also a separate sleeper loading wharf and three log landing and loading ramps suitable for steam powered paddle droghers. The Beresford sawmill was closed about 1930 but the sleeper and log wharfs continued to operate until about 1943. (For more detailed information see Ian McNeil’s articles on Mayers Point-Wootton tramway in Light Railways numbers 211 (Feb 2010), 213 (June 2010) and 215 (Oct 2010).
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    Landing ramp, Myall, NSW

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