Label read: "Iindviidual vineyard Wines Individual Vineyard Wines are the finest wines of the famous Barossa Valley Each year a few of the many vineyards have crops of outstanding excellence. From these only the best grapes are selectedto make these limited Individual vineyard Wines of rare quality. During 1974 Vintage a special selection of Reisling grapes was made from the famous Kaiser Stuhl vineyard "Wyncroft"at Eden Valley Golden over-ripe bunches of Riesling grapes were seprated during the picking and were seprately processed to obtain the most exclusive selected late harvest grapes. At the Kaiser Stuhl Cellars the winemakers carefully controlled the slow process of fermentation to retain the residual sweetness Before all the sugar was converted the new wine was chilled to arrest fermtation The wine was rapidly cleaned and bottle at an early age The result is a full flowery wine with a rich bouquet similar in Style to the German "Auslese"wines. A wine for the Connoisseur Bottle No. 7575 For convenience, refer to this wine as the "Purple Ribbon"
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