DescriptionThis photograph was scanned by Mr Barry Howard who has kindly given Special Collections at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia, access to his collection and allowed us to publish the images.
This image can be used for study and personal research purposes. If you wish to reproduce this image for any other purpose please obtain permission by contacting the University of Newcastle's Special Collections.
Please contact Special Collections at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia, if you are the subject of the image, or know the subject of the image, and have cultural or other reservations about the image being displayed on this website and would like to discuss this with us.
If you would like to comment on the photograph, please contact Special Collections at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia, or leave a comment below.InformationSubjectCessnock (N.S.W.)Cessnock (N.S.W.) -- HistoryAmbulancesCollectorBarry HowardDatenot specifiedSource
This image can be used for study and personal research purposes. If you wish to reproduce this image for any other purpose please contact the University of Newcastle Library's Special Collections.