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- Shell bursting beh...
- Shrapnel bursting ...
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- Embussing point, Y...
- River Lys in flood...
- Trenches near La B...
- General Birdwood v...
- Gunners of 14th Ba...
- Australian Corps d...
- Entrance to the Ca...
- The Tunnellers
- 2nd Tunnelling Com...
- Australian Tunnell...
- Chalk pits near Le...
- The Retreat, March...
- Orderly 'retreat' ...
- No. 2 Company Aust...
- No. 4 Squadron pil...
- The wreck of an en...
- Crushed enemy [Ger...
- From Messines to t...
- On the road to the...
- 4th Division troop...
- French civilians, ...
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- Dernancourt, 28th ...
- One Division at Ha...
- Village of Hazebrouck
- Civilian wagon and...
- Civilians leaving ...
- Men of 1st Brigade...
- Troops of 1st Brig...
- Amiens, Corbie and...
- Villers Bretonneux...
- Amiens Cathedral
- Corbie Church, tow...
- In the Bois de l'Abbe
- Tower of Villers B...
- Along the banks of...
- A barrel bridge bu...
- The International ...
- Monument Wood bein...
- Overturned British...
- German tank captur...
- Ville-sur-Ancre, C...
- A Regimental Aid P...
- 3rd Trench Mortar ...
- Infantry of the 15...
- The fight for Hamel
- Americans and Aust...
- Pear Trench to Ham...
- Corps Commander, G...
- August 8
- 4th and 5th Divisi...
- Armoured car on ma...
- Prisoners coming a...
- Infantry of the 8t...
- 14 cm naval gun on...
- Fighting for the H...
- Infantry of the 1s...
- Canadians assisted...
- Trench west of Lih...
- The artillery in t...
- Artillery of the 6...
- Officers of the 12...
- Guns of the 7th Br...
- Limber loads of am...
- German Guns at the...
- Chuignoles, Chuign...
- Infantry of the 1s...
- Bringing wounded t...
- 10th Field Company...
- 13th Light Horse o...
- Giant gun, 15 inch...
- From Cappy to Peronne
- Machine gun of the...
- 'B' Company, 9th B...
- 9th Battalion inve...
- The capture of Mt....
- Mt. St. Quentin, t...
- 27th and 28th Batt...
- 23rd and 24th Batt...
- At Zero hour, movi...
- Men of the 21st Ba...
- 21st Battalion mov...
- Wounded being brou...
- Peronne
- Smoke screen throw...
- Ruins of Peronne
- A wonderful face-l...
- Ruins of Peronne, ...
- Smoke from a road-...
- Breaking the Hinde...
- Le Verguier, showi...
- Men of D Company, ...
- Shooting at the fl...
- Shooting at the Ge...
- Behind outpost of ...
- Main Hindenburg li...
- 12th light trench ...
- Reserves passing t...
- Waves of wire in f...
- Wire near Bony and...
- Hindenburg trench ...
- Concrete five-step...
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- Trench to Quennemo...
- St. Quentin Canal ...
- North end of St. Q...
- Camp fire in under...
- Le Catelet, Beaure...
- Le Catelet and Gouy
- Beaurevoir line ne...
- 7th Brigade headqu...
- French civilians i...
- French civilians i...
- The sinews of the ...
- 4th Division Signa...
- Linemen at the front
- 1st Division Signa...
- Transport on the move
- 1st Division MT mo...
- A letter from home...
- Hospital Ward at N...
- A depot of the Com...
- Rites of burial co...
- The end of the war
- A welcome rest
- American and Austr...
- 1st Division enter...
- Racing and hurdles...
- Boxing at the Corp...
- Swimming in the Somme
- Fancy dress at the...
- Evening pastime in...
- The 1914 men leave...
- 'Home Again', a Fr...
- Australian War Pho...
- A few 'Empties' us...
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Le Verguier, showing Fort Ball in the background (Between 1st November 1917 and 11th November 1918), [C2018(iii)_101]. Living Histories, accessed 09/02/2025,