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Oral History
- Voices of the Hunter
- Vignerons
- Mineworker Interviews
- Bob White
- Peter & Lena Thomas
- Bill Bender
- Aleck Deitz
- Jim Orr
- Lyle O'Connell (19...
- David Wilkinson
- Jim Wilkie
- George Wilkinson
- Allen Wright (1918...
- Russell Watson - M...
- Bob "Rocket" Thoms...
- Colin Stone (1914 ...
- John Slater (1916-...
- Thomas Shanahan (1...
- Ted Newton (1912-2...
- Frank Wilton
- Alf & Agnes Willia...
- Athol Walters
- Keith Victor
- Les Vaisey
- Alec Spink
- Bill Seward
- Bill & Edith Rampl...
- Ray O'Hara
- Hugh "Bun" Murdoch
- Jack Ingall
- Bob Hutchinson
- Ken Hartcher
- Jack Doherty
- Tom Coaldrake
- Arthur Beckett
- Harry Morgan - Cle...
- Terry Martin (1915...
- Kevin Lane (1930-2...
- Alf Hodge and Glad...
- Austin Greener - M...
- Vince Forbes (1894...
- Harold Dodd & Jack...
- Jack Cruikshank - ...
- Jack Bell - Mine w...
- Leo Beckett
- Eileen & Bill Arms...
- Roland Butler
- Don Watson - Mine ...
- John Shoebridge
- Don King
- Jim Patrick
- Ted Cook
- Pat Shanahan
- Monty Montgomery
- Jim "Nipper" McKenzie
- Bruce McKensey
- Joe McHarg
- Tom Mather
- Bill Gleghorn
- Frank Manning
- Keith Short (1926-...
- Trevor Scarlett (1...
- Amos Baskeyfield (...
- Des Hurn - Fitter,...
- Joe McKendry (1919...
- Harry Wile (1915-2...
- Jack Keily - Elect...
- Jack Wood (1908-19...
- David (1890-1980) ...
- Tom Dorrington
- Jack "Digger" Dodd
- Jim Maxwell (1912-...
- Jack Barrett
- Ian Macleod
- Harold Slade
- Alec Rutherford
- Alec Smith
- "Obby" Butler
- A.J. "Mick" Frame
- Roy Harden
- Ron Olive
- Stan Coffey
- Ron Higginbottom
- Roy Vernon
- Roy Osland
- Norman Cruickshank
- Noel White
- Ned Lightfoot
- Ted Hayler
- Percy Reid
- Peter Thomson
- Ray Williams
- Andrew Colvin
- Bill Alcock
- Jim Comerford, Bil...
- Fred Armstrong
- George Bainbridge
- Mick Cagney
- Fred Hallam
- Ambrose Murray
- Tom "Stiffy" Roberts
- Walter "Darby" Roe
- Wilson Barrett
- Ray "Monty" Thomas
- Thomas Rutherford
- Kevin Simpson
- Eric Thompson, Min...
- Frank Chatterton (...
- Michael Barrett - ...
- Alec Orr - Sidler ...
- Hunter Orchard (19...
- Norm Pike (1924-20...
- Ron Garnett (1919-...
- Jack Thomson - Min...
- Richard Morgan (19...
- Charles Goode (191...
- John Freeman - Min...
- Barry Dimmock - Mi...
- Allan Fowler (1910...
- Jimmy Rutherford (...
- Ray Hawkins (1914-...
- Art Mawson
- Merv Walters - Fit...
- Ron Day (1923-2014...
- Ron Thompson - Wel...
- Arthur Threadgate ...
- Bill Freeman (1905...
- Fred Franklin (192...
- Maurie Shaw (1929-...
- Johnny Allan (1917...
- Jim Jack (1910-), ...
- Arthur Bush (1912-...
- Roy Johns (1913-20...
- Bill [1911-1989] &...
- Tom Hoggan - Miner...
- Dave Hartcher (190...
- Ken Robertson (191...
- Eric Delaney (1907...
- Harry Day - Miner....
- Arthur "Nick" Good...
- Reg Osland (1903-1...
- Roley Downes (1900...
- Dennis Thomson - L...
- Charlie Atfield (1...
- Adrian Owen and Gr...
- Dave Ferguson (190...
- Tom Rennex (1904-1...
- Roy Philp (1919-19...
- Bob Rutherford - S...
- Charlie Laut (1909...
- Henry Scanlon (190...
- Les Hill (1893-197...
- Arthur "Cec" Davies
- Arthur "Wongo" Gri...
- Jack Payne
- Jack Peters
- Jack Robinson
- Jack Rumford
- Jack Moore
- Harold Dodd
- Harry McKendry
- Hunter & Tom MacDo...
- Ian Hotchkis
- Ian Sumner
- Jack Snape
- James Pitkeathly
- Ken Victor
- Bert Brown (c. 192...
- Les Penniment
- Les Tiedeman
- Ken Brennan
- John O'Connor
- Jim Capper
- Jim Comerford
- Jim Mitchell
- John Brown
- Harry Cockerill
- George Simpson
- Bobby Davies
- Bruce Owen
- Darcy Owen
- David "Dai" Price
- Bob Robinson
- Bill Gerrish
- Aub Johns
- Aub Vernon
- Back to Brunkerville
- Bede Kelly
- David Murdoch
- David Prout
- Fred Parsons
- Garney Brown
- George McLeod
- George Robinson
- Fred Oakes
- Frank Norris
- Dick Gibson
- Dick Henwood
- Ern Smith
- Ernie Junor
- Lyall Allan
- Retail and Service
- Ted Navin (1896-19...
- Fred Yeatman
- George Edwards
- Jack Duggan
- Athel D'Ombrain
- Mrs Freda Edmonds,...
- Cec Anstey
- Edward Stan Teggin...
- Jim Carroll (1897-...
- Sam Robinson
- Stella Bradstreet
- Aub Brown
- Peter O'Neill
- Alf Vickers
- Cyril Williams - I...
- Jeff Leggett - Ces...
- Allan Hungerford (...
- Bob Inglis
- Cec & Helen Jurd
- Jack Gray
- Jack Gehrig
- Earl Sternbeck
- Clive Goldman
- Tom Jeffrey - Mixe...
- Educators
- Sports and Clubs
- Other Occupations
- Fred "Bunna" Shultz
- Catholic Church, C...
- Catholic Church hi...
- Des O'Neill (1904-...
- Bob Wyborn
- Philip Purcell
- Jack and Mary Moor...
- Harold Campbell
- Bill Kearney (1914...
- Rev Mons Gerard Fl...
- Norm Brien
- Ernest "Joe" Lambert
- Sam Findley
- Dick Harris (1904-...
- Spencer Douglas (1...
- Hilda & Vic Clifton
- Sam Findley
- Sam Unwin
- Stan Brown
- Reg Payne
- Phonse O'Neill
- Harry Fletcher
- Noel Compton
- Stan Smyth
- Ted Heaton
- Bill Thompson
- Mick Morris (1917-...
- Methodist Church 7...
- Cec Rademy
- William Fitzpatrick
- Tony Brunner
- Wal Pinchen
- William Crump
- Bob Brown (Former ...
- Les Pitcairn
- Clive Picton - Ces...
- Kate Munro née Jac...
- Hersel Nichols (19...
- John Skelton (1907...
- Jack Turner (1907-...
- Tom Wells - Timber...
- Joe Dixon (1908-19...
- Norman Morton (190...
- Frank Morton (1911...
- Stuart Brown - Bro...
- Ron Hill - Driver ...
- Tom Cooper (1916-2...
- Dulcie & Bill Wick...
- John Tinkler (1928...
- Ken Russell (1910-...
- Ray Mulhearn - Mul...
- Bob Abner - Histor...
- Eric Roberts
- Dr Ben Champion
- George Neilly
- George Slade
- John Harris
- George Todd
- Charles Burgess
- Bob Scott
- Andrews Family Reu...
- Reg Henry - Histor...
- Catherine and Geor...
- Arthur Kempe
- Bill Stephenson
- Bert Partridge
- Lloyd Crawford
- Post Office Histories
- Women Interviews
- Isabella Wilkinson...
- Elsie Williamson n...
- Maggie Wallace née...
- Eileen Williams né...
- Mary Hill
- Julia Gresham née ...
- Eileen Cresswell
- Irene Hamilton née...
- Irene Brickman
- Evelyn Dodd
- Lydia Morton née Ling
- Grace Scanlon née ...
- Minnie Michelmore ...
- Hannah Metcalfe né...
- Florrie Matthews n...
- Dulcie Farrell née...
- Bridget Unwin née ...
- Myrtle Donaldson
- Eveleen Dodds
- Dot Avison
- Mrs Mary McMahon, ...
- Ann Johnson
- Ada Bridge née Ked...
- Norma Stevenson né...
- Pat O'Connor
- Sarah Szacavay
- Molly Deasy
- Mary Smith
- May Cox nee Gilpin
- Winifred Brown nee...
- Nell Kirk
- Dorothy Morgan
- Katie Bridge
- Dorothy Brown
- Jean Murray née Moran
- Meg Hutchinson née...
- Vera Baus née Cagn...
- Dorothea Stevens n...
- Grace Swinton
- Doris Swinton nee ...
- Ivy Hungerford
- Bertha Lewis née L...
- Ellen Laverick née...
- Doreen Jay née Fog...
- Ruby Moore, née Br...
- Olive Nichols née ...
- Norma May Bailey n...
- Elizabeth "Betty" ...
- Pearl Nichols, née...
- Edna Hungerford (1...
- Rosie Hatcher née ...
- Marie Fullick née ...
- Gladys Muriel Wade...
- Ida Stephenson nee...
- Christine Phillips...
- Grace Roxby née Wa...
- Mary Hughes née Ca...
- Ruby Ball née McGa...
- Una Hill née Horto...
- Evelyn Salter née ...
- Marie Rigby née Vi...
- Daphne Burgess nee...
- Ada & Albert Cruic...
- Mary Hanna, née Ro...
- Dorothy Reay nee B...
- Edith Caban, Nell ...
- Thelma Ryan, née H...
- Ett Varley née Wel...
- Elizabeth Hopes ne...
- Lil Stewart née Sm...
- Isabella Wheatley ...
- Mary Snape, née Br...
- Vera Robson (1888-...
- Rita Barnes née Br...
- Christina Bridge, ...
- Doris Snedden, née...
- Jane Taaffe née Al...
- Thelma Gilmore née...
- Jane Ward née Muir
- Transport Interviews
- George Chapman
- Marjorie Ellen Pat...
- Albert Wolfgram
- Bruce Davis
- Bert Lovett (1905-...
- Dan Gray - Shippin...
- Frank Scanlon
- George Ryder
- Ken Magor
- Tom Fairfull
- Ern Ditton
- Les Brown (1900-19...
- "Sonny" Kervin
- Terry Callen
- Ray Thomas
- Clyde Gerrish
- Jim Johnson
- Herb Bayly
- Reg Batterham
- Bob Armstrong
- Rab Lewis
- Peter Crossland
- Bill Farrimond (19...
- Louis McCrohon (19...
- Roy Cooke (1908-19...
- Bert Reynolds - Ma...
- Millie (1925-1995)...
- Peter Phillips - O...
- Jack Brown - Miner...
- Ray Matthews et al...
- John "Bunny" Snadd...
- Cec Tapp (1910-199...
- Bobby Hunter
- George Champan
- Harold Ford
- Bill Muir
- Con Connolly
- Frank Crowley (190...
- Tom Patrick (1914-...
- Bill Timmins (1911...
- Nick Govoronsky
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